From Application to Offer: How long is your university’s conversion time?
According to a study carried out by Net Natives, the second highest priority right now for HE’s in the UK is conversion between potential applicant and student. Did you know what 76% of applicants expect to receive an offer within 4 weeks of submitting their application and that 28% expect to hear the result of their application within 1 week? Compare this with the average turnaround time of 3 moths reported by universities. It’s important to remember that admissions is a competitive business. 83% of students have chosen their subjects before they consider the location or culture of the university. A postgrad student, particularly an international student, is likely applying to a number of universities and time to offer is an important consideration for them. A student is more likely to accept the first place offered to them.
So why this discrepancy between student expectation and reality? There are lots of reasons: missing documents, missing information, students not responding to emails, applications getting lost in the mix, assessors not knowing when they should be assessing to name a few.
There can be no denying that admissions teams are overworked as postgraduate application rates continue to rise across Ireland and the UK. The solution offered by PAC Apply is automation. Our system of checks and triggers ensures that work is carried out at the correct step by the correct assessor. By automating your workflow your admissions team can have confidence that PAC is working behind the scenes to ensure that all work is being carried out and that your applications are being processed efficiently and in a timely manner, ensuring shorter conversion times and increasing student retention.
For more information or to book a demo with us email